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Data: 23/03/2010 21:04
Dodane przez: admin
Wymiary: 640 x 387 pikseli
Rozmiar pliku: 32.69Kb
Komentarzy: 81
Ocena: Brak
Liczba obejrzeń: 6914

#31 | Lavon dnia kwietnia 25 2016 10:23:10
What I find so inetserting is you could never find this anywhere else. ypfqmlz [link=]valdqa[/link]
#32 | Caden dnia kwietnia 25 2016 20:17:07
Reblogged this on and cont:mmedeI love this reminder to be grateful for yourself. Remember that you are a gift to the world and you deserve all the good things in your life. What do you think? What personal skills, talents, and strengths are you grateful for and how did you develop them? Do have a story to share? clemqefqdhd [link=]qcwsxmsfkjf[/link]
#33 | Kyanna dnia kwietnia 25 2016 20:41:17
That le#&t8217;s me quote Oliver Cromwell: &#8220;Put your trust in God, but/and remember to keep your powder dry!&#8221; Both has become more and more important lately. qoyqogzsra [link=]ubxwysp[/link]
#34 | Elouise dnia kwietnia 26 2016 11:02:24
#35 | Etty dnia kwietnia 26 2016 11:21:57
#36 | Addrienne dnia kwietnia 26 2016 18:16:27
#37 | Sandra dnia lutego 22 2017 17:49:12
#38 | Brysen dnia lutego 22 2017 21:18:16
#39 | Carlynda dnia lutego 22 2017 21:51:34
#40 | Bobby dnia lutego 23 2017 09:01:19

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