Sta ti vredi ta lepota,kada zivis pored Skota.Pusti da te Srbin smdatoa osetis car zivota.Pametna si, lepa curazato bezi od kengura.Nije covek tvog zivotai ovde je skot do skota.Autor: Ilic Vasilije od Semberije
Shaun,JJD is correct. You have oertsevpped your bounds. You are free to decide for yourself what sort of family you will participate in creating. You may not claim ownership of the word. That we will not tolerate, not from you, not from the Pope, not from anyone. Enough is enough.You do not have the authority to demand an explanation. This is a matter of personal liberty for free people. If you wish to live in a theocracy where such things are dictated, please go somewhere else.
I am not sold onn the google + yet. seems like a lot of<a href=""> pepole</a> are afraid, and hence I am not getting any new followers from google. There are so many social platforms to choose from, it so confusing and time consuming for most. You are the guru of all, Sacramento!
You look marvellous! I've only rnceetly actively been using Google+ and like it so far, but to be honest I use Twitter probably more than anything now. xx rueuwna [link=]sgsiqpkb[/link]